The purpose of this research is to increase performance athletes bolavoli and that basketball with the methods exercise plyometric front cone hops and plyometric counter movement jump. Thirty students who elected in accordance criteria will be conducted pretest to determine division of a group plyometric front cone hops, plyometric counter movement jump or the control group. Back leg dynamometer to measure the muscle power limbs and jump md to measure the power limb muscles.Will be given exercise for 6 weeks to masing-masing groups and treatment 3 times a week. Test results paired sample t-test show a method of exercise plyometric front cone hops significant influence on the variables of strength and power limb muscles, group plyometric counter movement jump significant influence on the variables of power limb muscles. It can be concluded that of the exercise plyometric front cone hops and plyometric counter movement jump more effective for the two components of the physical condition of strength and power limb muscles.
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