This research aimed at finding out the effect of zig-zag run training, back and forth run, push up with circuit training toward physical health (study on football extracurricular students of Senior High School Soa). This research was experiment research with the static-group prestest-posttest design. The sample of this research as much as 40 students consisted of 20 students for experiment group and 20 students for control group which taken randomly. In order to collect the physical health upgrading data used TKJI, then data analyzed by T-test. The result of the analysis showed that score tcount in amount of 3,5 bigger than score ttable 2.042 on significance level 5% (α0.05). This means there is significance effect of physical health between experiment group and control group. Thus, it can be concluded that zig-zag run training, back and forth run, push up with circuit training influenced toward physical health on football extracurricular students of Soa Senior High School.
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