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Depression is mood disorder which is indicated by symptoms including feeling sad, confused, hopelessness, reduced concentration and thinking about suicide. One of the non-pharmacological treatments to reduce the level of depression in the elderly is 5 finger hypnosis therapy. The aim of this section is to provide health education about depression, early detection of depression and therapy 5 finger hypnosis to reduce depression in the elderly. The activities are health education, early detection of depression and performing 5 finger hypnosis. The results of examining the level of depression before treatmentsfor in 30  elderly people who experienced depression, none or at least 5 elderly people (17%), 7 elderly people with mild depression (23%), 18 elderly people with moderate depression (60 %) and none experienced major depression (0%). The results of examining the level of depression in the elderly after using 5 finger hypnosis showed that of the 30 elderly who experienced depression, none or at least 14 elderly (46%), 11 elderly who experienced mild depression (37%), 5 elderly who experienced moderate depression. (17%) and elderly with no major depression (0%). The conclusion is that 5 finger hypnosis is effective in reducing the level of depression in the elderly.


Early Detection of Depression, 5 Finger Hypnosis, Levels of Depression in the Elderly

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How to Cite
wijaya, endah, Prihananto, D. I., Aizah, S., Ariyanti, A., Oktaviana, E., & Andini, F. N. (2023). Pendidikan Kesehatan, Deteksi Dini Depresi Dan Implementasi Hipnotis 5 Jari Untuk Menurunkan Depresi Pada Lansia Di UPT Pelayanan Sosial Tresna Werdha Blitar Di Tulungagung. Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Nusantara (Dimastara), 3(1).


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