Disease Detection of Dragon Fruit Stem Based on The Combined Features of Color and Texture





digital image processing, pitaya, support vector machine, k-nearest neighbors


Dragon fruit is one of the favorite commodities in Banyuwangi Regency's agriculture. In 2019, this commodity had the fourth largest harvest area among other fruit commodities in Banyuwangi until it was exported to China. However, disease attacks often appeared in several dragon fruit plantations in Banyuwangi, and the identification system was still conventional. Many farmers did not know the types of disease and how to handle it, causing the quality and quantity of their crops to decline. Therefore, this study implemented two feature extraction methods. Both methods include color feature extraction using the color moments method and texture feature extraction using gray level co-occurrence matrices (GLCM). The methods used to develop a system that recognized or detected the three types of dragon fruit stem based on digital image processing using Support Vector Machine and k-Nearest Neighbors methods as comparison methods. The results obtained from this study indicated that the combination of the two proposed feature extraction methods could distinguish between stem rot, smallpox, and insect stings with an optimal accuracy score of 87.5% obtained by using Support Vector Machine as a classification method.


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How to Cite

L. Hakim, S. P. Kristanto, D. Yusuf, M. N. Shodiq, and W. A. Setiawan, “Disease Detection of Dragon Fruit Stem Based on The Combined Features of Color and Texture”, INTENSIF: J. Ilm. Penelit. dan Penerap. Tek. Sist. Inf., vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 161–175, Aug. 2021, doi: 10.29407/intensif.v5i2.15287.